Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Oh, how I love blankets.
I don't know what it is about blankets that make them just so comforting, but they are like magic.
Everyone in our family loves to cuddle under a 'special' blanket and watch movies or when it is cold, or just for comfort.
This love and desire inspired me, as I was trying to think of 'meaningful' Christmas gifts for the family. I decided I would make everyone their own special blanket filled with Love.
Thus, whether they are cold, tired, or just maybe a little in need of a cuddle - they would be able to be literally feel the love.
It took a remarkable amount of time, surprisingly.
But, each blanket, each material, each bit was specially picked for each person.
... and they turned out cute and cuddly...
The girls helped me to make decisions.

Here are some examples:

and yes, the pups got their own too.

They seem to love them!
...and they seem to know which one belongs to which dog.

I did make the birds "bird blankets" too.
I didn't take a picture, but it is basically a hanging little nest for them to sleep in. (:

Monday, December 21, 2009


I really love eyes.

The eyes are the gateway to the soul.
A person's eyes tell everything about them....Unknown.

We like to joke in our family that we are the Hazel-Hasers.

Here is why:






Can you guess who's eyes belong to whom?


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Hi, I am Tamara Love

Welcome to my blog!

I have created this blog as a way for me to share some of the things that I love. . ..