I LOVE Chocolat..

This movie came out in 2000.
In 2000, we had a 6, 4.5, and 3 year old.
We did not go to movies, ever...
Well, not 'real' movies. Our movie adventures, at best, included squeaky little voices in animated little bodies, and silly little songs that would not leave your head (or your child's mouth) for days...
Then, one magical evening -
Todd and I had the opportunity to go to a movie, together, alone... An ADULT, no animation type of movie. A very rare occurrence at that time. I remember it being something that we hadn't even planned, but we were so excited.
We didn't even have a movie that we were planning on seeing.
We decided to see this movie we knew nothing about, Chocolat, as it was starting in just a few moments.
I had NO expectations from this movie.
But, right after we sat down, the movie began and from the very first moment -
I was carried away to a magical land, in a far away village.
I was instantly in love with this movie.
I loved the artistry.
I loved the characters.
I loved the sentiment and the depth of character that was developed.
I loved the feel of the film...
While watching the film, I was no longer in a theatre worrying about what I need to do when I got home or if the kids were ok, but was transported happily to a distant time and place.
I was completely enamored, and that does not happen easily for me...
Half the movies I see, I don't even remember that I saw them a year later...
This movie, however, 10 years later still has captured my heart.
... and not just because of the delicious, subtleties of my favorite Earthly substance intertwined as a central theme (although it doesn't hurt)...
Oh, how I love this movie...
Which leads me to another thing that I love...
Having daughters to enjoy it with me, as Todd does not share my devotion...