My baby Blue-Streaked Lorikeet...

She is waving "Hi" - this afternoon
I swear she is my favorite Creation that God has ever made!
(next to the Hubby and kids of course)
She is truly magical.
When she greets you -
She dances for you!
She has the sweetest personality.
She loves to snuggle.
There is nothing more precious than having this girl fall asleep on your chest...
What inspired me to write a love note about Indy, aside from the obvious cuteness? She wasn't feeling well today, so we took her to the vet. Much like children, seeing Indy be poked and prodded when she already didn't feel well was really hard. I tried to keep it together and not yell at the Vet or assistants much (but seriously wash your hands people!)... I don't deal well with my babies being sick. Luckily, Todd was there. Indy was very Lethargic, decreased appetite, and her droppings had changed, so we took her in... She is on antibiotics (boy, I almost SMACKED the Vet for HIS CRAZY torturous ways of demonstrating how to give my baby medicine)... It looked like some form of military torture technique.. Come on, the bird is more than a physical body, she has a little bird soul and feelings! Anyhow, she was looking REALLY bad when we got home for hours. Would NOT eat, drink or anything.. Then Kayla spent a couple of hours just sitting next to her in my room, while Ind rested in her room. Indy took a good long nap and when she woke up she ate TONS! Kept eating and drank and drank. She seems a bit better, but I can still see in her eyes they don't have the sparkle they normally do. We will find out the results from the cultures on Monday. I am just praying with all my might that she just snaps out of it, and whatever it is we caught it and she will be fine!
Thank you God that she ate something!!!
Indy's story:
Once upon a time in late 2002,
we were told about a bird store that was supposed to have good prices.
We were looking for a cage, not necessarily a bird...
Well, when we were there we saw the sweetest little Red bird and fell in love.
It was the middle of December (which is a dangerous time for me to be in a pet store), because that is after my birthday and means I MIGHT just have birthday money, which I did.
This red bird was NOT Indy, she was a Red Lorikeet...
We were told she was unfriendly, and not a great pet...
I looked at her, asked the store people to go away, and let me talk to her.
This little girl jumped out of her cage right into my arms.
That was it - I was in love...
The store people were shocked and gave her to us for half price.

We named her Lolly and Loved her.
We found out, previously she had a best friend that was a blue-streaked Lorikeet for whom she was very attached. Well, her friend was sold, and she didn't cope well - and was super afraid of hands. Darn people and their impatient GRABBING of birds!
It took months but we built her trust and she was a wonderful baby...
Anyhow, back to Indy...
Well, Lolly's love for Blue-streaks intrigued me.
I mean they are amazing looking, but very rare...
The owners of the store had a few though, and one last breeding pair (that was aging)...
I expressed my great desire to adopt their next Blue-Streaked baby..
They weren't sure if there would be anymore...
Every once in a while we would call and check in, nothing...
after months...
I could feel that Indy was hatched.
I could feel her sweet little soul...
I knew she was meant for me.
I insisted to Todd that we go over to the store and find out.
He thought I was a bit silly...
(which by the way, he is probably use to by now)
But, that afternoon, my precious little baby with a beak was discovered.
Usually, a baby bird will stay with her parents until she is around 4 weeks of age before being pulled for hand feeding. Indy was only 10 days. There had been a problem with the nest, her sibling was lost when the nest tumbled, but my sweet Indy is tough and she was ok.
However, 10 day old birds need to be fed every hour-2 hours round the clock, and are NOT very easy to keep alive. I prayed for my little girl. I knew she was special! Also, I knew she was in good hands. There isn't a bird lover out there more dedicated to her baby birds than Brenda!
The first time I saw Indy

Sweet little thing!
My heart melted in an instant...
Todd and I came to the store every day after that and helped with hand feeding and caring for her, and cuddling her... So that she would imprint with us.
She slowly transformed from a little naked thing,
to a gray baby, to brilliant shades of red and blue peaking through...
I could hold her forever!
She has always been more than a little feathered friend, but a baby, and even a little sister to my kids. We sing to her, we cuddle her, we talk nicely to her, and we all adore her!
Just seeing her makes my heart fill with joy!
I truly LOVE my baby Indy!
I am thankful for her EVERY Day!
After we got home from the vet.
What exactly is Lily doing in the background?
Please say some Prayers that Indy is A-Ok too, will ya?! (:
What exactly is Lily doing in the background?
Please say some Prayers that Indy is A-Ok too, will ya?! (:
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